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ISSUE II - On State Poverty, by Camela Diaz

Updated: Oct 29, 2021

Camela Diaz, Puerto Rico

Image: USAToday

Poverty, the state of lacking a person’s basic needs such as food, shelter, and clothing, is one of the most prevalent issues across the world. It makes people suffer and cannot easily be solved. A lot of poor people are homeless and do not have someone to take care of them which makes their lives even more arduous. Poverty should definitely be prevented in all countries.

Some people consider that people who become homeless have poor money management. However, not all people become poor because of this reason. Some lose money because they get fired from their jobs or get addicted to gambling and lose a big amount of money at once. Since they are greedy about money, they do more gambling to get their money back. They end up having not enough money to live stable lives. They are pushing not only themselves but also their family members into poverty. Children can also suffer from malnutrition, although they did not choose the kind of life they live.

People who live in poverty usually have a hard time overcoming their situations. It is hard to earn enough money at once because there is a big gap between poor people and rich people. Poverty is difficult to escape because once they start to live in poverty, they do not have the opportunity to earn basic needs. For example, poor people cannot afford an education. They simply cannot get educated due to lack of money, and this becomes a problem even when time passes. Since they are not educated enough, they cannot get jobs. This means that they do not have the opportunity to earn money even later and overcome it. Also, in some countries, people do not have access to freshwater and nutrients because they do not have enough food. All people are affected by this problem, but this is a bigger problem for children because they are more vulnerable. Some of them could even die at a young age.

The Sustainable Development Goal listed on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development aims to help people in poverty. “The SDGs aim to ensure that by 2030 all men and women have equal rights to economic resources, as well as access to basic services, ownership and control over land and other forms of property, inheritance, natural resources, appropriate new technology and financial services, including microfinance” (United Nations). However, this goal is actually hard to achieve within a short time. Since there is a big gap between poor and rich, it is going to take at least 30 years. It is crucial that everyone works extremely hard to minimize the number of poor people in the world. Although poverty is unstoppable, every individual needs to work hard to minimize it. Individuals can donate to help people in poverty all around the world. Also, at schools, students can make posters about poverty to educate other students and resolve it together. Another effective way is to donate as a group in social groups such as schools and companies. Collecting money as a group can save both time and energy since more people become involved to donate for the same cause. It is also more helpful to poor people since they can get more money than when individuals donate.

There are a lot of people who suffer from hunger and homelessness which are mainly caused by poverty. There is a big gap between the poor and the rich so it is significant for everyone to work hard to stop poverty all over the world. Although it is hard at first, people should keep working hard to support people who lack money for their basic needs such as food and clothes.


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