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ISSUE II - The Socio-Cultural Implications of Poverty, by Yosef Kim

Updated: Jan 1, 2022

By Yosef Kim, United States

Image: Public Policy Institute for Wales

Poverty, according to the UN refers to one’s situation “more than the lack of income and productive resources to ensure sustainable livelihoods” Usually the effects of poverty include hunger, malnutrition, and lack of participation in decision making or social events. In 2015, 10percent of the world’s population, about 734 million people, lived a day with less than $1.90. According to the Urban, org, the poverty rate is about 7.7 percent.

Then, what causes Poverty exactly? There are several factors that lead a country into poverty, but some of the biggest factors include conflict and the endless cycle of poverty. Recently, large-scale conflicts, especially the ones that involve multiple countries cause a great effect on each country. For example, some areas like the Syrians suffered a long ten years of war, and experienced the destruction of their infrastructure, and flee. As people leave their region carrying as least amount of their belongings, 80% of the Syrians now live beneath the poverty line. Also, as in the majority of the countries, female-headed households have become common. Due to the existing gender inequality, it is very possible for these households to experience some inequalities during their job application and community social events. Next, the cycle of poverty causes continual poverty; this cycle begins as the child is born from a poor household, because the family will have limited opportunities and resources to improve their conditions, it will trap them in poverty. According to World, the cycle of poverty is defined as “a phenomenon where poor families become impoverished for at least three generations.”

Sustainable development Goals - also known as the SDGs, view the issues related to poverty as a part of target 1. A. This target refers to “Ensure significant mobilization of resources from a variety of sources, including through enhanced development cooperation, in order to provide adequate and predictable means for developing countries..”

Although many students view Poverty as a grande issue that they cannot support, there are numerous ways actually help the situation. Poverty takes in many forms, it is everywhere, therefore it can also be helped in various ways too. Two of the ways to help reduce poverty are simple and can be done alone! First, “change your thoughts about poverty”, do not avoid someone just because of their appearance, be their friend. Furthermore, research about the poverty and issues regarding them using online articles and newspapers. Secondly, “Take action on your own”, may include volunteering - delivering surplus food to others who need it or serving meals at the shelter. Another support can be organizing a food drive at your school; this can also raise awareness on poverty and its effect.

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