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ISSUE IV - Transgender Policies: What's going on in Texas? by Grace Lee

Updated: Jan 1, 2022

By Grace Lee, South Korea

Image: NBC News

In Texas, USA, there has been recent talk about creating new policies that would limit the freedom of transgender people. However, many advocates are rebelling against these bills.

One Texas mother named Rachel Gonzales who has a transgender daughter has dedicated years trying to protect her daughter’s rights. Mrs. Gonzales spent a long time in 2017 to help abolish a bill that would have prevented her daughter from being able to access the girl’s restroom. Her daughter, Libby Gonzales, who is currently eleven years old also claims that “Sometimes it takes me hours to fall asleep just because I’m so scared about these specific bills.” (Yurcaba).

One issue that has been causing an uproar in Texas recently is a bill that would limit trans people from participating in sports teams that match their own gender identity. According to ABC News “Lawmakers will consider banning transgender students from playing on interscholastic teams that align with their gender identity. Children in grades K through 12 would only be allowed to play sports that correspond with their sex assigned at birth or sex designated on their original birth certificate.” (Alfonseca) This could not only be detrimental to a struggling trans individual’s mental health but also to the trans community in general. Additionally, the article states that there aren’t any statistics showing that Trans people who play according to their gender identity give their team any dominance or advantage.

The Texas Tribune mentions another mother, named Amber Briggle, who has a transgender son. She also had a strong opinion over her child’s rights, especially over the new sports bill. “‘He’s 13, he shouldn't have to deal with that,’. . . ‘I want him to go to gymnastics. I want to go to taekwondo. I want him to do well in school, and I don't want to have him worry about this because I saw how much it harmed him in April and May.” (Waller) Amber has actively been involved in combatting this sports bill by going to the legislature and volunteering her own time and effort. In Texas, there is a myriad of other concerned trans children and parents, and many other bills targeting trans people, it is concerning to see how unsafe it might feel to be a trans person under such policies and ideas.

A positive way to support and protect transgender people is by looking at Transgender organizations that provide good educational sources and care for those who need it. People who want help or to give their support can start by checking out the “National Center for Transgender Equality” which can be accessed through their website address: The organization accepts donations, has a news blog, provides helpful educational articles, and lists other sources. If anyone is concerned about a trans person they know, or if anyone themselves is struggling with their trans identity please consider researching, “Gender Affirming Care” to learn more about how to deal with trans identity.

Works Cited

Alfonseca, Kiara. “Trans Rights Challenged in Texas’ Third Special Legislative Session.” ABC News, ABC News, 20 Sept. 2021, Accessed 21 Oct. 2021.

Waller, Allyson. “Texas Lawmakers’ Transgender Sports Bill Advanced by House Committee.” The Texas Tribune, The Texas Tribune, 7 Oct. 2021, Accessed 21 Oct. 2021.

Yurcaba, Jo. “Texas Has Considered Dozens of Anti-Trans Bills. These Moms Have Helped Stop Them.” NBC News, NBC News, Oct. 2021, Accessed 21 Oct. 2021.

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